
Register a Permit Account
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Permit Registration

We are always looking for prospective new members of Local 489, but we have a process that must be followed in order to be referred for work and eventually join.  If you have any questions about the process or the status of your application, please contact the department representatives.

We maintain a Permit List of persons who have undergone a preliminary screening to suitability for entry-level work on productions. Prospective members need to first be added to the Permit List, and then after they have worked on union productions for a while they may have an opportunity to join the union. Members of the Local are considered first when work is available, but there will be times when there are not enough members to fill the available jobs. When this happens, we look to the Permit List for additional workers.

Fill out the form below to apply for the Permit List.

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address: *
City: *
State/Province: *
Postal Code: *

Cell Phone: *
Select Your Cell Phone Provider:

Send Me Text Message Alerts:
E-Mail Address: *

Allow other members to view my email address
Confirm E-Mail Address: *

Upload Your Resume Here: *
Please upload an electronic copy of your resume. Acceptable formats is PDF only. File names with spaces or unusual punctuation in them often cause errors, please avoid them. We suggest a filename like Smith_John_resume.pdf to make it easy to determine which resume is yours and what we are looking at. If you are unable to upload your resume please fax it to 412-820-2621.
Are you already a member of IATSE?:
If yes, to which local or locals do you belong?:
Emergency Contact:
Date of Birth:
Upload proof of residency within our jurisdiction:

Provide of Proof of Residency within the Local 489 geographical jurisdiction for a minimum of 18 months (Pittsburgh). The required document(s) to verify residency are the following:

a. A valid Driver’s License or State ID from Pennsylvania showing 18 months minimum residency in the jurisdiction of Local 489
b. A valid Driver’s License or State ID from Pennsylvania AND a Pennsylvania Voter Registration Card

IMPORTANT: If you have NOT lived within Local 489 jurisdiction for 18 months, please contact our Business Agent at ba@iatse489.org.

Please scan and upload the required documents. File names with spaces or unusual punctuation in them often cause errors, please avoid them. We suggest a filename like Smith_John_residency.pdf to make it easy to determine which resume is yours and what we are looking at. If you are unable to upload it please fax it to 412-820-2621.

Add a File: *
In which department or departments are you qualified to work? *

Please indicate a max of two departments for which you have relevant experience. You will be referred to each department representative for approval, and being approved for one department will not necessarily get you approved for others. If applying to two departments, make sure your resume reflects experience in BOTH positions. Please DO NOT check off a department in which you have no training or experience. If in the future you wish to switch one category for another, that will be allowed given the approval of the representative of the new department selection.
Hold Ctrl or Command key for multiple. Max 2 departments.
Choose Password: *
Password Strength:

Strong passwords contain 3 of the following items and at least 6 characters:

- Uppercase Letters
- Lowercase Letters
- Numbers
- Symbols
Enter Image Verification Code:

(Enter the code displayed in the image to verify that you are a real person)
Click the button below to submit the registration information.

* Required Fields
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IATSE Local 489
PO Box 100056
Pittsburgh, PA 15233-0056
  (412) 926-6490
Contact Us